Meet Fayemi Olanrewaju Odunyemi, Best graduating student of LAUTECH BMLS 2016/2017


We caught up with the LAUTECH Best graduating student for 2016/2017 Session and spoke with him. Below is how the interview went.

Good afternoon sir. Can I meet you?

My name is FAYEMI Olanrewaju Odunyemi. I am a graduate of Medical Laboratory Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. I specialize in Medical Microbiology and Parasitology.

Was it ever your goal to be the best graduating student in your set?

     No, I never saw it coming. I only worked towards giving my best every semester in every examination. I tried not to have any carryover and I didn’t. If being the best student was my goal, I would have specialized in another unit. Meanwhile, I went for my best which is Microbiology because I have more flair for it.

How did you feel when you realized you were the best graduating student?

     At first, I was surprised. I had some challenges towards the end of 500level second semester and it affected my result. Even though I did not fail, the result was not to the best and so the news came as a surprise and I am happy and grateful about it.

What was your reading schedule like?

     I had a very busy schedule. I took home lessons, managed a cinema, and had other responsibilities. I made a habit from my Predegree days to read at night from 8:00 pm – 12:00 am daily. I later increased the time beyond 12:00 am. Everybody has their own schedule, but I prefer to read at night.

What were your experiences inthe  MLS department?

     Being a Medical Laboratory Science student in LAUTECH was quite stressful and highly demanding. There were cases, assignments, postings, spiritual activities and other engagements. My class was too serious, it was either we were serious with our books or with spiritual engagements. We later became social towards the end when we had excursion and FYB dinner.

What were your happy moments as a student?

     Each time I collected my result and had no carryovers.

What were your not so cool moments?

     My second-semester 500level result was not what I was expecting. I had a ‘C’ in my project and felt it was going to crush all that I had been working hard for. I did not deserve what I got and was really sad. Meanwhile, when I was informed about the good news, I was happy.

What were your most challenging semesters?

     400level, which is called ‘Baptism of Fire’, was the most challenging. It was the period when we were exposed to all the units in MLS.

     500level second semester was also challenging. My project was on Molecular Assay. I collected my samples in Osogbo but had to run them at a Molecular Laboratory in Ibadan.

How did you scale through your challenges in school?

     I did just two major things. Firstly, working hard and believing in myself. Secondly, totally relying on God and praying to Him for help. You cannot do without the two, do your best and leave the rest to God. Avoid being overly religious. Work hard and pray; don’t just pray. When God sees your effort, He blesses it.

What were your best courses in school?

Parasitology and Microbiology.

What were your other involvements in school aside being an MLS student?

     I am a Jehovah Witness, and I preach on a weekly basis. While in school, I preach during the weekends.  I also taught home lessons, and learnt self-disciplinee through it. I still read at nights when I got home even when tired. You need to be disciplined to be financially balanced.

     There was also a time I worked with a neighbour at a factory that was producing nylon for sachet water and learnt some business ethics.  I also started a cinema which gave me the privilege to meet certain people. It strengthened my connections and I was interviewed on OSBC Telivision.

My advice is this:

Check yourself, know what you can do. Know your abilities, strengths, weaknesses. If you can balance other activities with academics, it is fine. If you can’t, don’t do it.

What advice do you have for MLS students still in school?

     Even though the journey is stressful and challenging, don’t lose focus. Keep doing your best; you will definitely come to the end one day. Wherever you find yourself, always have a better view of your circumstance. I have no regret because I have been exposed to a lot of things.

     As a Medical Laboratory Scientist, the future is bright. We don’t know what we have till we are out of school, working. Most Medical Doctors envy us because a Medical Laboratory Scientist could earn more than they earn without going through as much stress as hey theirs if we work hard and know what we are doing.

    It is no news that Medical Laboratory Scientists are taking the lead in research. If you know what you are doing, you will make the best use of the training. LAUTECH is still the best institution for training. You will agree with me when you get out of school and realize you are the best even internationally.

Interview was conducted by
Victoria Omoloye (Volunteer, Medlabconvo)

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