MLSCN second 200% penalty extension ends this week

Medical Laboratory Science of Nigeria (MLSCN) second phase of extension of the temporary suspension of enforcement of 200 percent Penalty on Annual Practice Fees ends this week.

You may recall that Council extended the temporary suspension of the enforcement after the initial suspension elapsed on the 15th of May 2020 to another six (6) weeks with effect from May 18, 2020.

Except Council extends the penalty further, there’s the likelihood that all payments from next week will be considered late and will attract the 200 percent. As at press time Council hasn’t released any circular of extension or not.

However, we will advise Medical Laboratory Scientists to make hay while the sun still shines.

If by chance you need assistance with MLSCN  Remita Generation for Licence payment, feel free to contact us by clicking here.

Thank you and stay safe.

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