MLSCN begins Second Batch COVID-19 Rapid & RT-PCR Test Kits Validation


The Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN) has started validating the second batch of Rapid and  Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test kits submitted to her for the purposes of diagnosis and surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) in Nigeria at it’s Public Health in-vitro Diagnostics Control Laboratory, Yaba Lagos.

MLSCN In-vitro diagnostic control
MLSCN public health In-vitro diagnostic control Lab. Yaba

Validation of second batch of COVID-19 Rapid & RT-PCR Test Kits ongoing at the MLSCN owned Public Health In-Vitro Diagnostics Control Laboratory, Yaba, Lagos. @NCDCgov @Fmohnigeria @NGRPresident @AMLSNNational

— MLSCN (@MedLabNigeria) June 14, 2020

The premarket validation is coming few weeks after Council presented the progress report and validation result of the first batch of kits comprising of eleven (11) submitted to her for the purposes of validation.

The progress report and the validation result of the first batch of kits elicited reaction from the College of Nigerian Pathologists (see here) and a counter reaction from the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (see here).

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