Features of MLSCN Proposed New Annual Practicing Licence


In a bid to pull the plugs on fraudulent activities of colleagues and non-colleagues as it regards the Licence, the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria is perfecting plans to introduce new features on the Annual Practicing Licence.

According to the Registrar/CEO MLSCN, Dr. Tosan Erhabor, the proposed new Licence for 2021 will carry new features such as Passport photograph of the practitioners and bar code.

He said the passport photo size and how members will send it to Council will be disclosed in due time, also the bar code will carry the information of practitioners. 
Registrar believes the new features once the Governing Board of Council gives their approval will go a long way to reduce forgery of the Licence.
This will also check quackery as the bar code will determine if the practitioner is fake or real.
Happy new year from all of us at nigerianmedlabscientist.com.ng. We wish you a splendid and prosperous new year 2021!

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