CSMLS – WMLSDF : A Nigerian Medical Laboratory Gets Funding


CSMLS – WMLSDF : A Nigerian Medical Laboratory Gets Funding

A Medical Laboratory in Nigeria has been chosen to receive funding to the tune of one thousand US Dollars ($1000.00) for the purchase of basic diagnostic equipment courtesy of the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)  World Medical Laboratory Development Fund (WMLDF).

The Medical Laboratory is located at Ipetu Ijesa in Osun state. 


About the CSMLS – WMLDF

The CSMLS Board of Directors established the World Medical Laboratory Development Fund (WMLDF) in 1989. The fund was developed with the intent of providing CSMLS members a financial mechanism for  supporting projects which fulfill CSMLSs’ international goals. These international goals are to facilitate medical laboratory science in developing countries by identifying human and material resource needs that will: 

  • Assist in the development of medical laboratory services
  • Assist in the development of medical laboratory professional societies
  • Assist in education related to medical laboratory science 
  • Identify and provide resources for medical laboratory training program
  • Promote the exchange of ideas at the international level 
  • Provide awareness of our Society in other countries



  1. Fund is open to CSMLS members in good standing 
  1. Applications will only be accepted 12 months prior to 12 months after the activity has been completed
  1. The fund does not support ongoing operational costs of a laboratory or travel  costs to attend an international meeting
  1. A member may only be considered for one grant, scholarship or award per year with the exception of the BD Quality Assurance Project Award
  1. Eligible applicants can be awarded up to $1000
  1. Examples of the support that the fund has provided include: 
  •  Support of members’ travel costs to work as a volunteer technologist in a foreign country
  • Purchase of educational materials or courses for medical laboratory science training programs
  • Financial assistances to purchase laboratory equipment
  1. The committee may consider applications for any activity that fulfills the criteria as outlines in the CSMLS’s international goals
  1. Once notified of approval you must submit a short article suitable for publishing in CJMLS, describing the activity which the Fund supported.

Fund Raising 

The WMLDF is mainly supported by the CSMLS membership through individual and group donations. It does not have charitable status for income tax purposes. 

These are a few ways that funds may be raised for the WMLDF:

  • Voluntary contributions
  • Speaker honorarium – CSMLS staff and board members speaking on behalf of CSMLS cannot accept honorariums, but have accepted contributions to the WMLDF.
  • In Memoriam & Estate Bequests – Members have designated the WMLDF as recipient of ‘in memoriam’ gifts, as well as bequest from an estate.


Fund Allocation 

  • The Board of Directors is the trustee for the fund and the International Committee is responsible for reviewing grant applications, and all decisions are final.

Source: csmls website

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