Breaking News: MLSCN further extends 2023 Annual Practice licence payment deadline


The management of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria has further extended the deadline for the payment of 2023 Annual practice licence by four (4) months.


You may recall that the management of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria had earlier extended the deadline by three months from April and was expected to end by June 30, 2023.


The extension to 31st October 2023 is to allow practitioners “to utilize the extended period to update their records and promptly pay for their 2023 annual practice license”.


Read the publication below




Further to circular no: MLSCN/LEG/CIR/01/2023 dated 24th March, 2023 on the above subject, the management of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (hereinafter referred to as “MLSCN”) took a decision to reconsider its earlier extension particularly in light of the current economic situation in the country and has further approved the extension of the deadline as follows:


2. The deadline has been extended for four (4) months with the new date being the 31st day of October, 2023.


3. All practitioners are enjoined to utilize the extended period to update their records and promptly pay for their 2023 annual practice license.


4. You are to note further that this extension is only for this year, 2023.

Kindly bring this to the attention of all concernEd.


What do you think about these extensions? have your say in the comment box.

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