RSU: Meet the newly appointed HODs for Faculty of Medical Lab. Science


RSU: Meet the newly appointed HODs for Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science

The Rivers State University (RSU) has appointed Heads of Department for the newly created Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science.


According to a circular by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. E. S. Bartimaeus the Vice Chancellor gracious approved the under listed as pioneer Heads for the Departments in the Faculty.


They are:


1. Dr. Donatus Onwuili – Department of Clinical Chemistry


2. Dr. Evelyn M. Eze – Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science


3. ⁠Dr Stella U. Ken-Ezihuo– Department of Histopathology and Cytology


4. ⁠Prof. Smart E. Amala– Department of Medical Microbiology.


Congratulations to them and wish them success in their respective new roles .

Read also:

  1. Communique issued at the end of AMLSN 18th APHL & 208th NEC Meeting
  2. Pathologist interfering with Medical Laboratory Services is not worth his Salt -AMLSN NP
  3. How to Renew MLSCN 2024 Practicing Licence
  4. List of Medical Lab. Scientists with Up-to-date Practising Licences
  5. CHOs cannot hijack the duties of Medical Lab. Scientists – NACHPN
  6. Medical Laboratory Scientists protest against intimidation and Victimization by RSUTH Management


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