Ag. Director PRD MLSCN during the live training |
The Acting Director, MLSCN Practitioners’ Regulation and Discipline (PRD) Department, Uchuno Gregory gave this assurance while answering questions on e-licensing in a Zoom training organized by the MLSCN on Thursday 21st May 2020, which himself was a resource person.
According to him, the e-licensing will enable Medical Laboratory Science practitioners to electronically generate their Annual Practice Licence and print same without having to travel down to Council headquarters.
He went forward to say that the e-licence will bear the practitioner’s passport photograph and code, adding that Council discontinued with the Ihris platform which earlier enabled scientists to print their licence electronically because of some challenges that were experienced.
He said the turnaround time for getting the Annual Practice Licence after the submission of fees receipts and CPD certificates as the case maybe is two (2) weeks, stressing that Council has upwardly reviewed her Change of Name Fee from N1000 to N2000.